Myriad Harmony-Assistant & MyOrgan ou Hauptwerk-1 Chapter 7
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Setup of Harmony Assistant
to drive a virtual organ
The instruments

You can make use of MO at the same time as of other numerical instruments coming from the Myriad soundbanks, like violins for example, or Midi expanders, but the instruments related to the staves used by MO must follow precise rules:

  • The three normal staves of the organ can have unspecified instruments, since they will not be heard. I advise you however to affect a sound of organ to them, it is more logical and that makes  possible listening to the score without launching MO.
  • These three instruments should not be sent to digital outputs, but to Midi outputs.
    They must all the three use the Midi out 1 (or 2).
  • If the organ staves are multivoix, their instruments follow the same the rules. 
  • The instruments associated with the rules will not be heard, but you should usethe instruments that I indicate because  the choice of the instrument which determines which number of the message program-changes will be sent to MyOrgan.

Here an image in example.


You can choose any instruments for the organ staves, they will not be heard

Line by line edit the instruments of organ staves. Set then to Midi out 1 (or2) and Midi channels 1 for both manuals, channel 2 for pedal.

every staff of virtual organ must be output by Midi out 1 or 2.

Output devices
Let us setup the peripherals.
Select “Associate output devices ” it is the second line of the menu “the Instruments”. Click to open the window opposite.

Every instruments of organ and registration staves must be set channel 1

The staves of our virtual organ
Normally a score for organ comprises only 3 ranges, two for the hands, one for the pedals. Certain partitions written for HA, relative to organ with several keyboards or employing many stops of the Gold, have  much more staves, which is neither logical, neither aesthetic, nor practical. When we use MyOrgan, we will always have 3 staves to the maximum, even to play a large organ with five manuals.
In fact there will be, if need, a 4th staff being used only to place the midi messages for changing the frame. This staff will be invisible in page layout view and during printing.
Organ with only one keyboard
Writing a score of organ music for an instrument with only one manual is extremely simple if you uses MyOrgan to produce the sound. It is enough to write on a normal score. If the organist wishes to change sound at a given time, he will move simply to the following frame (or the preceding one) by writing A (or F) on the registration staff.
Organ with several manuals
To be able to play with the right hand and/or the left hand on another keyboard that Great, while preserving the score normal aspect, it is necessary to employ rules. To pass from Great to positive for example, you needs a rule which replaces the instrument associated with the staff by another instrument which can be unspecified, provided that it is sent to the midi channel  3 (channel of the Positiv).
The criterion of the law can be unspecified  also: color, note shape, velocity, but only the velocity will leave give the score a perfectly normal aspect.
the registration staff
It is an additional range, “nonmusical” that I imagined. It is used to control the virtual organ. You will place above the notes A or F to activate the buttons NEXT and PREVIOUS  each time one wants to change the N° of registration frame. Of course, that will function only if the adequate rules were installed.
The Midi curves associated with this staff will also make it possible to operate the pedals of expression and to vary the sound volume of certain organ stops locked up in “boxes of expression”.
When printing, it is advised to make this range invisible.

A note "A" change the instrument and tell MyOrgan to take the next frame.