Myriad Harmony-Assistant &
MyOrgan ou Hauptwerk-1 Chapître
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| | | | Rule to send a program-change message. |
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These rules are
placed in the registration staff. The criterion can be notes with specified
pitch. What imports is that the rules change the staff instrument
for another precise one, set to Midichannel 5. The choice of this
new instrument determines the number of the program change sent.
These rules are necessary to advance or move back in the sequence of
registration (frames). They can be also used to send other orders midi
which you could need.
instruments renamedPrg1 and Prg2 (respectively Std-Piano 2 and Std-Piano 3) send
the messages prg changes #1 and prg changes #2 corresponding to Previous
and Next frame.
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There it can seem to have confusions in the number of
prg-changes, but it is simply the fact that HA counts the midi
data from 0 to 127 and MyOrgan from 1 to 128. Simple point of view.
Caution : Do
not remove the unutilised instruments before having definitively completed your score. If not, the rules which will try to use
these “dumb” instruments could not function any more.
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| |  | The default instrument and the rules instruments of the registration staff |
| | Rules to play on an other manual than Great |
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For a staff,
changing the manual, means that it
is necessary that the staff concerned change its instrument. There still, the choice of
the instrument in HA imports little since it will not be heard. All
that is necessary, is to give to the new instrument a Midi channel number
which matches with that of the required manual.
The rule must be placed at
both higher staves (in the case where the two hands would change
ther manual). The criterion used will be preferably a criterion based on the
velocity, since completely invisible on the score.
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|  | not visible but velocity bar n°2 has been set <40 to play on Positiv. |
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